Runecairn: Wardensaga | A Soulslike Adventure: Session 3

Price per player-session
You will be charged 48h before the game starts

$20 USD


Hero image for Runecairn: Wardensaga | A Soulslike Adventure
3 of 3 Seats AvailableCampaignCairnDiscordRoleOwlbear RodeoAction / AdventureMythologyFantasy

About this game

Strap on your bearded axe and linden wood shield, delve into the forsaken barrow and cleanse the draugr within. They will overwhelm you at first so prepare to die. But when you wake up at the bonfire, you'll know what to expect for your next attempt. Parry their attacks, disarm them, and hack them to pieces. Defeat the undead within and claim the soul remnant they protect. DEATH IS NOT THE END What is Runecairn? Runecairn is a Norse fantasy tabletop roleplaying game written and designed by Colin Le Sueur and inspired by games like Dark Souls and Elden Ring and is based on lightweight new school revolution (NSR) systems Into the Odd and Cairn.

How to Prepare

We are going to need: a stable internet connection; a quiet location; an ok microphone so that everyone hears you nicely; access to a computer (while you could play on the phone, it may slow down the pace quite a bit. Recommendable, but not essential: a webcam; writing implements for your own notes (digital or physical, whatever you prefer).

Game Profile

2 to 4 hours
Open to all
All ages

Content warnings


Safety tools used

AftercareLines and VeilsOpen DoorSession ZeroBreaks

Campaign Schedule

All times shown in your local timezone